I got the coolest email about the LDS church members in Haiti today. Despite being homeless and surrounded by devestation, these people have gathered each week in their best Sunday clothes (washed in water not good enough to drink) and find peace in knowing that they are children of a loving Heavenly Father. What a blessing it is to have a knowledge Jesus Christ and His gospel! To know that God created us and has a plan of happiness for us. To know that, as we endure to the end, we will be able to live eternally with Him and our family members again - it takes away the sting of death and tragedy. It gives us reason to smile, even when the world around us comes crumbling down. I love these pictures - I love seeing these Haitian people SMILING!
The Port-au-prince ward members

The Port-au-prince ward primary children

It's always a good reminder of all the blessings that we do have despite tragedies that WILL come. It's only a sign of things to come and that if you remain faithful, we too, will be saved. Thanks for the post!
Hillstead, Found your blog through our mission website. Looks like you're doing very well and have a beautiful family. Hard to believe a decade has passed since our time in Mongolia...wonderful times. All the best,
Jeff Bailey
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