

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friday, November 5th - her birthday?

Dr. called and said he got me scheduled at the hospital for an induction Thursday night - as long as they have an extra bed! I get to call at 8pm tomorrow night and if it's a go, we'll check in about 9pm and hope to be holding our new little lady sometime Friday morning!

I can't get my hopes up too high - but this is very exciting. The day is almost here!!


DeeDee said...

keep us posted! yayyyy! LOVE YOU and baby girl!

natalie said...

so excited for you!!!! keep us posted! :)

Paul, Julianne and the Kids said...

Hi! I found your blog off of facebook! So Cute! I just wanted to wish you good luck with everything! I am so excited for you guys!! Let me know if I can help watch your kids or anything else!!

Cheryl said...

Fingers crossed for you!