

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bad time to be late

We are in Salt Lake City this week. Staying busy and having fun with family. Today was little Blake's birthday and he wanted all of us to go to the children's museum to celebrate. We planned to meet there at 12:30.

I let Claire sleep a few extra minutes of her morning nap so we were running late. At 12:32 Heidi called me and in an urgent whisper says, "where are you!? I am standing right by Kate Gosselin and her eight kids! They are here at the museum!!"

Everyone in our family knows what a ginormous fan Ashley is of those kids! She can name them instantly on sight, list them in birth order, tell you who she'd like to play with most and what everyone's favorite things are. We own many seasons of the show and it's on at one point during most days at our house. So I was dying! How could I have been late?! I am never late! And if I'd been on time, we'd have been checking in right along side them (they ultimately decided not to go in).

So by the time we arrived they had gone. Nana scouted out the mall for us and found them before long, reporting that they were going into the movie theater. Ashley and I left the museum, bought tickets for the next kids show and went in, peeking into theaters we thought they might be in. And what do you know, but in Cars 2 we spotted a bleach blond lady, her security guard and eight little gosselins in a row. Jackpot.

Nothing too exciting came after that. We sat down in their row, with about ten empty seats between Ashley and them. Then we moved and sat right behind them. Ashley recognized the girls as they stood to get popcorn from their mom. But I was too chicken to say or do anything more. What do I do, invite them to dinner, to come play, or see if ash could sit by them? .... I couldn't muster the courage....and worried I would embarrassed myself and get thrown out of the place.

So we'll chalk it up as a fun thing, Ashley's first star sighting! So close, and yet so far away. And no pictures darn it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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