

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mavala Stop

We've had some exciting developments happening with Ashley this summer. She stopped sucking her finger, and lost her top two teeth!!

At church a few weeks ago a friend was talking about this stuff she ordered online to help her children stop sucking their thumbs called Mavala Stop. She had four little ones who sucked their fingers and she told us they all stopped within a few days of trying this. You paint it on their nails and it tastes terrible, similar to the stuff sold in drug stores but more potent I guess.

She offered to share and several of us moms took her up on the offer. For the last month we have been calling around to see when it can be our turn to have it, and all of us have had success!

Now the habit is broken for Ash, but night-time is hard as she will do it without realizing in her sleep. So we tape a sock over her hand and it seems to be working great! She is ready for the change!

The timing worked out perfectly with losing her top two teeth so the new ones have a chance to come in as they should. It always makes me a little sad when this happens to kids because they never look the same. Especially when their BIG new teeth come in, they've grown up.

Ashley is a beautiful little girl whose turning into a lovely young lady before our eyes. We love her!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

alison huston said...

That product has been around for a LONG time because it's what was used to help me stop sucking my thumb. I'm so happy you guys got it in time before the adult teeth got buck. Ash is such a beautiful young lady. She melts my heart every time I see her. Miss you.