

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hot date, Hot date, Don't be Late!

This is what Tyler and I say to each other at the start of the weekend, or when we have something fun to head to together. "Hot date, hot date, don't be late!" was in full-force this weekend as we went off to celebrate 12 years!

We stayed on the strip at the Bellagio where Tyler surprised me with a room that had a beautiful view of the fountains. It was a treat to look out from 24 stories up and watch the fountain shows every time they went off! Very romantic.

We ate at the Paris buffet for lunch the first day, tons of delicious food and a cute atmosphere, and dined out on the Bellagio patio the second day for lunch. YUM!! In between meals, we relaxed by the pool, watched movies and saw plenty of crazies along the street. That's Vegas.

We told our kids we were gone celebrating our family's 12th Birthday! What a blessing it is to be married to the kind, hard-working, dedicated, family-man that I am. He is the joy and anchor of my life!

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