

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day!

My man came home with flowers for all his girls. We had a family Valentine's dinner and I made everyone's individual requests (my kids eat simple!) - Luke wanted eggos, Ash wanted noodles with butter, Jake wanted pumpkin cookies, and I made a regular nice dinner for Ty and myself. We ate by candle-light for the first time, which was pretty neat. And had a cake decorated by the kids with all their valentines' candy for desert.

The kids each had a ton of fun at their school parties earlier in the day. They passed out homemade Valentine's and returned home sugar loaded and weighed down with boxes full of notes; Definitely happy and feeling loved by all!

For cub-scouts we had an awesome Valentine's Day activity. We learned about pet care and got to watch one of our scouts' pet snakes eat a dead mouse. So romantic, on the day of love. But perfect for 8 year old boys!

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