It's been on Tyler's bucket list: to go to Notre Dame for a BYU football game. Its been years since they played there so he knew he had to make it happen this year. Originally he planned to take Luke with him. But when I saw the bed & breakfast he was reserving and paused a moment to think about what he was actually doing, I bumped my son out and took his place. Both Tyler and I were glad to ended up that way - I enjoyed this trip much more than Luke could have!
Highlights were: exploring the beautiful Notre Dame Campus; enjoying the sites and smells of fall; feeling the energy in the stadium at the game; visiting an Amish village and shops; and checking out the college football Hall of Fame. We ate great, slept well and loved one another's company. It was a fabulous 3 days.
We left as BYU fans, and came home BYU
and Notre Dame fans (notice my new T?). The campus reminded us of Europe it was so pretty, the students were friendly, and their football team didn't blow ours out! So now that the game is over we can root for them to continue their undefeated season. Great trip!