

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pride in Ownership

Today was the first day of fall break. We kicked it off with a morning work day! I sent Claire off to co-op 9-12 and kept the other three by my side for nearly 2.5 hours. It was the first time I have worked them so hard. We started downstairs in the boys' bedroom and went room by room, hall by hall, bathroom by bathroom until we reached mom and dad's closet - on the opposite end of the house. When Jake would cry out that his arm hurt, I'd say "Yay! that's great - it means your working!" Luke mopped the entire floor, cleaned the refrigerator, scrubbed toilets; ashley folded loads of laundry and put the clothes away, washed windows and dusted; Jake folded blankets, organized cupboards and moved the chairs out from around the table to then vacuum. I was relentless.

But I had a friend in mind while I did it - Jilly. Who I remember, years ago when my three were small, worked her kids like this during summer vacation. I'd call her to see what was up adn she'd tell me how she had her family working. I thought, "someday". Someday I'd have kids who knew how to work.  I figure if I put in the hard time now, by the time they're each 12 I should be able to give them an assignment and know that it is going to get done, and get done right (unlike today, when I had to help with almost everything).

Another benefit? The kids are taking pride in ownership. Jake was the one who commented tonight, "the house doesn't even look clean anymore!" I said, "See guys, this is why mom is always telling you to clean your own stuff up! It stinks to clean all day and have it messed up by that night." Since then, I've seen Ashley clean her mess up in the family room, all of them put their own dishes in the sink, and Luke's eyes have been watching the floor. Heaven forbid anyone spill crumbs on his self-scrubbed floor.

The last load of laundry is still rolling in the dryer - its only taken 10 hours to get through those 5 loads for the week. But the whole house is clean. And it feels awesome.

Too bad I'm pooped out and took a late shower, threw on my jammies and noticed how bad I break out during my time of the month - only to have my husband walk in with roses tonight. Not my best look for a night when the man is coming home romantic. Ha ha.  Oh well.  The house is clean. ;)

1 comment:

Maddie McEntire said...

AMAZING! Love just reading about a good deep clean. Those kids (and their future spouses) will thank you for instilling such good cleaning habits! They will probably always remember the day their mom put them to work and I'm sure they will make their kids do the same. Way to go!