I tried to think of something really fun for Ashley's party this year. I wanted it to be "up her alley". After talking about doing a fall festival party, or girlie late-nighter, we decided upon a movie-star party! Ashley loves using her imagination and always has fun putting on plays, acting things out and dressing-up. So we had it.
We invited lots of girls! We ended up with about 25 over here Friday night for our 6-9pm party. I'm not a very good pinterest user because I get overwhelmed by all the creative options, but I did use pinterest to make this party cute. Anything for my nine year old.
The party was a complete hit! We had the red-carpet welcome the movie stars here. Then we played the character game where you have a name tag stuck to your back and try to guess who you are with clues the other people give you. I pulled out my two giant Halloween costume boxes, and all the girls brought more dress-ups so we could have a photo shoot. They dressed-up and posed for almost an hour, over and over.
We had cake and candy and presents - then started making movies. The girls were silly and wild of course, but we managed to get some fun stuff on video and they laughed and laughed watching themselves on TV.
By then I was worn out. We played Disney's Scene-It game the last 20 minutes until parents came back.
Ashley's smile beamed from ear to ear the entire night, including while we were setting up and she was anticipating this fabulous party she had planned. She is my girl, and I am glad we went all out. Boys don't care as much about decorations and cute foods. But Ashley does, and I do!

Saturday night was our date with Ashley. She chose The Old Spaghetti Factory and a stop at Claire's to have her ears pierced. Our girl is growing up!!
A fun-filled weekend for sure - and so glad we did the celebrations early. Ashley is home from school sick today - her actual birthday - with a fever and sore throat. Too much partying. We love you Ashley!
Soooo cute! Just relived it all with Paige. Looks like an amazing party! Sad I missd it! Have a happy birthday, Ashley!
Happy birthday, Ashley! What a fun party - good job mommy! Love that she got her ears pierced! xo
Ashley -- These are the cutest birthday pictures. Man, you had some fabulous birthday party (BASH) to celebrate your 9th birthday. What a great memory for you. Sweet Ashley is NINE! Unbelievable!
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