

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kids' Museum with Brynn and Claire

Ali is a good mom and motivates me to take my fourth child out to places like the Arizona Museum for Youth - where I used to have a membership when the others were small - but rarely go to now. Claire and Brynn were delighted! I had no chance of getting a photo of them looking at the camera. Claire asks to "see it!" everytime I get the camera out now. But I caught a few for memory sake - and had to since I'd packed her into her fall pumpkin dress. These cousins are really cute together - even when one (mine) is having a tantrum and throws herself on the floor because the other one touched her toy. Don't you love how Brynn walks by like, "dude, what's your problem?"  Funny stuff hanging out with 2 year olds.  Fun day.  And, as always, the highlight for me was spending time with Ali. ;)

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