Recently our family went to Tempe Town Lake to walk around after dropping a friend off at the airport. It just so happened that it was "Ballet Under the Stars" night and we were just in time! Ashley was thrilled to see real live ballerinas since that is what she wants to be for halloween.

We really enjoyed the dancers and the cookies that were available to us. It was a cool, breezy night (in comparison to others) and we felt to lucky to have found this fun event.

After a while the men in tights came on stage and Luke asked if they were naked... Tyler and I got the giggles ourselves and soon decided it had been fun... but we we ready to go! :)
Cute blog... Now I can keep and eye on you :)
thank you for joining the blogging world.
Hi Anne, Darling Family! Thanks for taking care of Jill for me! Isn't she great! I miss her, wish I were there. I look forward to meeting you this winter when I come to THAW! Jill adores you! Enjoy your blogging.
Stacy Summers : )
Wow Stacy wrote you. That is great. Write her back so you two can get to know each other.
Men in tights is just WRONG!! My kids thought he was naked too.
Hey Anne! Great blog! I love catching up with your life and seeing your super cute family. I about died when I read you have been married for almost eight years! Wow! Congratulations. Your kids are darling.
Your sisters have totally grown up too. I remember Michelle was little when she visited at BYU. Well, is your sister marrying one of Tyler's brothers?
Anyways, excited to check in with you and keep in touch. Check out our blog... www.thegreatscotts2.blogspot.com
This is the best blog ever!!! I love the fall. That picture of your family is gorgous! I love your hair cown. You should wear it down more. You are beautiful and look so happy. I miss ya. How did Cami set up such a terrific background with fall leaves? Have a great time at the wedding, take lots of pictures and enjoy being with families.
Anne YEAH ok good I'm glad you like it. I'll try and figure out how to get your other column wider! :)
I agree with Jill - men in tights is wrong on SO many levels! It should be outlawed!
How fun for you to join the blogging world! I love your template. Visit ours at www.mattandjessie.blogspot.com
Hey Anne - This is Charis Doller (now Call) from Orem KC. How are you?? I don't know how I found your blog - I clicked on one, then another, then another and then HILLSTEAD HAPPENINGS :-) It's great to see pictures of your growing family - you all look great and life is treating you well - so fun to see you on here. Welcome to blogging - I just love it!!!!!
I'm just stopping by to say hi...and so you can find my blog. I have pics of the wedding posted that you can steal if you want (there's a funny one of Ashley).
It was so good to see you guys!
I need your email address from your blog account so I can add you to my list to view my blog. i'm making mine private! Thanks! Leave it on my blog.
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