

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Grocery Store Fieldtrip

As most of my readers know by now, Ashley has a passion for "kitchen food". When she got wind of the fact that her preschool class would be touring a grocery store she was elated and we have been counting down since. Today was the big day!

We got a babysitter for Jakey and Luke out of school for the trip, and it was well worth it! We got the see the cool man in the deli make pizza, the kind lady in the bakery decorate a cake, we froze in the dairy and freezers, almost gagged in the stinky meat place, and enjoyed fresh produce, pizza and cookies at the end!

Must say all that time in the store brought me back to the days of my first job as a bagger at Safeway. Can't say that was a highlight in my life, but it was memorable! A big thanks to Bashas for the great time and good food. Morning well spent.

1 comment:

kendall said...

how adorable... i love the hairnets especially.. can't wait o see you all on thursday!! have the kids make a list of what they want to do with grandma granny!