For some reason it is really easy to have a garden here in Arizona. Typically I have a brown thumb (the opposite of green) but each year we have a lot of fun with growing a garden. Last year it was tons and tons of broccoli and some skinny carrots and over-ripe cantalope. This year we went for sunflowers, watermelon and cucumber, and oh did we have success! One thing I am going to do differently from now on is limit the number of seeds that go in to the ground when the kids plant. Historically they plant the whole package of seeds regardless of the amount of space we have and I've learned that's not so smart. But it is exciting! Here are a few of the cucumbers we've harvested... little beauties aren't they?!

And call me crazy but I truly never knew how sunflower seeds were made. Our sunflowers went up like shots, about 10 feet tall, and I think that is where the story "Jack and the Bean Stock" came from. All we could see out the kitchen window were these big green shoots... But when I noticed the middles of the flowers turning into seeds I was shocked! Probably 1000 seeds per flower!

As soon as I found the seeds beginning to fall to the ground I sent Luke out with a wooden ax and told him to take care of the things... he imagined the Giant coming down the stock for him and had a great time cutting them down! It was cute.

1 comment:
wow he's actually a really good chopper for his size. i'm jealous...i wish i had a garden. one day.
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