My notes and testimony about life for YOU, my five perfect gifts dropped down from heaven
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Timpanogas Caves
Michelle and I and our cousin Mikey hiked to the Timp. Caves yesterday. I had debated about taking Luke and Ashley but was very happy I chose not to. I came to find out that the hike is 1.5 miles long but that the elevation increase is 1,065 feet. It is pretty much up, up, up. At the top they compared it to climbing the stairs of a 100 story building. It was really fun though, and I am SORE today. I was glad to have some time to spend up in the mountain air doing something active. The cave was pretty cool too - cool to see all the stalagmytes and stalagtytes (now I know cave talk)and cool to the touch at only 43 degrees. I had done this once before about ten years ago when I came to BYU for Cross-country camp and I hope to do it again in ten years. Then I will bring my older kids with me - Luke will be 15, Ashley 14 and Jake almost 12. That's fun to imagine.
Me, Mike and Michelle at 6,738 elevation
It's hard to tell but the top of the mountain behind me is far across a valley.. this just shows how high up we were.
One area of the middle cave.
They call this stalagtyte The Heart of Timpanogas because it looks like one expecially when they dim all the lights and show only a red light behind it.
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Grant and I use to hike Timp mountain when we lived in Pleasant Grove. It is such a great hike. Paved and everything. You are having fun... don't hurry home it is HOT here!
Hey I was JUST there! Jarad and I took our older kids (sooo glad I didn't bring the twins!), my teenaged niece and nephew and my 70-year old dad. I hadn't been there since I was 12. Was your tour guide as cheeseball as ours???
You go girl!
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