

Monday, July 7, 2008

"Diet Coke Mode"

I'm coining the phrase 'diet coke mode' this summer because it has good meaning in my life. It seems whenever life is great, I am on vacation, doing something fun, or spending time with people I really like I am sipping a diet coke. Were I not Mormon it might probably be something else, but for me, a refreshing 'D.C. on the rocks' is all I need!:) So I have been in Diet Coke Mode -and still am- for over a month now. Really since June 5th which is when Tyler had his appendectomy and Shauna came to town. It has been tons of fun... but I am beginning to feel like it all may be a bit over-indulgent. We all know how it is: eating out, staying up late (it isn't dark here until 10 so we are all up very late), enjoying a treat here and there and everywhere and spending money every hour...
I think we all have times where life seems challenging and mundane and its tempting to blow our brains out (figuratively, not literally) so its nice when there are occasions like this. But its a good thing this doesn't last forever.... because if it did I would weigh in at 3hunskey and my kids would be under-nourished, overly tired messes...

So here's to enjoying some great Diet Coke time - but never having too much... I'll be home in a week.


Kyle said...

I am in the same mode lately... did you get my message the other week...Sammy wants to play with Luke and Ashley! Call us when you get home!

jamirclark said...

So fun! I wish I had a diet coke right now. I am with you though, I LOVE the lazy days of summer. Too bad we have less than a month before it all ends. (Sorry to pop your bubble, it popped mine too!)

natalie said...

diet coke moments are great ones! we should have had some the night you and ty came over-it was a perfect night. thx again for spending time with us one on one. it was such a treat! and thx for the movie. i love the new blog design. darling. especially the title pic. you're a great mom--hoping i can be like you :)