Luke is into the card game UNO. Really into UNO. We play approximately 20 games of UNO a day, each with its own twist about what will happen after the game depending upon who wins (I win = kids unload the dishwasher, Luke wins = play again!) As I anticipate him starting 1st grade in a few weeks and being gone during the day I am trying to soak up all the playing time I can get. Here is a picture of the kids playing UNO with their toes - in their sleep. That is how much we have been playing UNO around here! ;)

hahahaha. anne, i miss your kids SO much!! this is totally typical of your long summer days. playing uno in their toes. wow, cant wait to see you guys in like.. 2 weeks??
love you!
I never thought I'd hear any parent say "bring on the UNO!" But I'm starting to get sad about Fisher being gone all day soon too. So I guess I better go bust our our cards (Fish and Em are both massive UNO fans as well, maybe we'll have to have Luke and Ashley over for a UNO-off).
I can't believe Luke is starting 1st grade! That's crazy! You're so cute to play UNO with your kids!
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