I love Tyler so much!! I felt so badly for him on Monday when it was his birthday but such a bad/hard day that we didn't even acknowledge it but with a smile and roll of the eyes! Today we are making up for it by pretending that today was the day he was born! The kids and I decorated and set up a surprise breakfast. We got him to open his gifts and he was very surprised and happy. HE DESERVES IT!!
Tyler is the most kind and loving man. He is a huge family man, always preferring time with me and the kids over doing anything on his own or away from us. No matter how tired he may be at night he will choose to put the kids to bed and spend that time with them even when I offer to give him the night off. He loves his kids!!
He is SUCH a hard worker. Every single day, almost every second of every day he is being productive. At work, at home, at play he is working hard. It is one of the attributes I love, admire and appreciate most about him.
Tyler is my best friend. If you know him, you know he is a good conversationalist. He loves to chat. My mom and aunts and sisters love him for it, too. Every night I look forward to talking with him about things because he always shares a good, fresh perpective. He is so smart and has insights that are exactly what I need to hear! He is the best listener - and he is often rubbing my feet while he does it!! I am a lucky girl for that no doubt.
I could keep going on and on but his 'mini-me' (Jake) is begging me to stop. Lastly I will say that Tyler is FUN. He makes my life a joy. He is enthusiastic. He is reliable, dependable. He loves loading the family up and getting out to do stuff. His favorite thing in the world is family swim parties and I honestly think he would choose to do that over anything else on a Saturday afternoon. It's when he is happiest - at home with his family.
I love you so much, Tyler. I am blessed to be your wife. I hope you have a happy day today. XO XO forever!!

P.S. This is how I knew Tyler in high school. Classic, isn't it?! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY! Sounds like this year you deserve to have two days set aside for you! Can't wait to see you guys a week from today - crazy! we should go get some free dessert somewhere for the three of us May babies!
Just put a post on my blog for Blake's bday and titled it "Happy Birthday, My Love"...same as you. Guess I'll have to change that!
Happy Birthday! You do have a great husband. You two are perfect for each other. You are a perfect team.
i want the truth...finally you thief...where did you get the rims for the honda?
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