

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday is a special day

In trying to teach the kids a love for Sunday and also how to keep the Sabbath day Holy I have been trying to get creative. We don't swim on Sunday and we also try not to watch regular TV, thus opening up a lot of time for family togetherness, which can be wonderful and challenging both (espcially when you live in Hell half the year). I don't want the kids to see Sunday as a day of "don'ts" or "we can'ts" but rather wake up with a "yeah, it is Sunday" feeling.

I concluded yesterday that I want to offically declare a need for NO CHORES/NO WORK on Sundays. Afterall, it is the day of rest. I know this will thrill them since chore charts have become a way of life around here and on every other day of the week I am riding them on that. Sundays though will remain blank!

So yesterday I kept emphasizing all the great things we can do on Sunday - calling grandmas, coloring pictures and making letters for our cousins, reading books and scripture stories, playing games together, etc. and tried to continually point out that we didn't have to clean-up - do dishes, make our beds, etc.

When I took Jakey potty I asked if he had gone poo-poo and he informed me that he doesn't go 'poops' on Sunday. It was quite funny.

I wanted to post this with the question of what you all do to make Sunday a special day at your house. What traditions do you have? What do your kids like to do to keep busy? We would love any suggestions or new ideas.


Lynnae said...

We have a basket of Sunday movies that we watch only on Sunday so they are not boring. We love to play games as a family, so games are always played on Sunday...Even as teenagers, my children will still play games together. It has been a lot of fun to see the kids bond during this time. Another thing I used to do when they were younger was to have Sunday toys that they only could play with on Sunday...like playdoh or whatever. Baking together is another one.

Ali said...

my friend posted on her blog the following: "On Sunday the girls and I made Sunday Boredom Buster Cards to help us stay more reverent on the Sabbath. Each card has an activity and an illustration. I've been wanting to do this for a while now and can't wait until Sunday to try it out." She has a picture of a bunch of 3x5 note cards with...i'll just e-mail you a picture. :)

Sarah Weiss said...

Yeah, I'm so glad I have another friend blog to read (here's mine http://dsweiss.blogspot.com/). I was getting bored of my other friends :-) Camerin loves to play on the computer, and so we started using the Friend website located at http://friend.lds.org. It's really neat. They can play games, do puzzles, listen to stories, and print out coloring pages. It's farely new, so they are adding stuff all the time. It was so god to see you guys. We'll have to take a trip down to Arizona to see you.