Our trip to Washington was WONDERFUL! I heard we hit the first sunny Memorial Day weekend since 1964! It is just beautiful there. Since our sweet little neice had not yet arrived we were able to spend an unexpected couple days with Blake and Ali and it was really a treat. I felt terrible for Ali who is SUCH a trooper - now 9 days OVERDUE!! She was pleasant and showered and got dressed and shopped around just like the rest of us. She is incredible.
Our favorite activity was eating. We found a hole in the wall Thai food restaraunt in the U district called Thai Toms and ate there twice in three days. It was SO good. We also enjoyed plenty of Tillamook ice-cream that they made us fans of.
Blake is incredible too. We stopped in to visit him at the dental school at UW. I am confident that he is one of the smartest people I know. He solved a rubix cube in a minute and a half for us and says he is going to keep a few in his waiting room and challenge his patients to beat him for discounted services! Pretty cool. He was a little embarrassed that I was taking pictures in his lab but I tried to look cool.
Of course I have to mention the pain I felt at leaving without meeting the new baby. It was unbelievable that we missed her after planning on being there at the perfect time for so long. We couldn't get over the fact that she was right there the whole time -- so close, and yet so far away! I did have a little talk with her about how important it was to come out but she didn't listen.
I gave her a little hug in the end to let her know that we forgive her. And I hear now that tomorrow is finally the day - another induction planned!! :)
Thanks for another fun trip you two (three)! We love you!!
I'm a beast. Thanks for the compliments though. Hankering for some Thai Toms as we speak. mmmm.
those pics had me laughing out loud! ali you are a trooper... anne you are something else! looks like you guys had fun tho... is blake dressed in scrubs to deliver the baby?? he probably could...
Poor, sweet Ali. You are such a hero!
wow you sister looks great congrats to them
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