

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ashley's Kindergarten Graduation

"W" is for Work - "We must work hard in all that we do to help our families and our country too!"

This was Ashley line for the graduation last week. She was asked to dress like a pilgrim and my mom whipped up the cutest little outfit for her to wear. She went from dreading dressing up as a pilgrim to loving it! Thanks mom!

The program that the kindergarteners put on was impressive! They each took a letter from the Alphabet and spoke about a quality or attibutes that we should have, "H is for honesty", "P is for prayer", "B is for Bravery", etc. and they dressed as someone/something from American History. It was very cute!

They all recited the Bill of Rights, Preamble to the Constitution and memorable facts from the 50 states. They know a lot more than I do!! And they are so little and sweet!


Ali said...

OK, that pioneer dress is ADORABLE. seriously, she looks so stinking cute!

Jill said...

That is so great! I love that they are so patriotic. If we don't teach our children who will? Miss ya.