So he's three in August. Think maybe it's time we say good-bye to the bottle?! Yes, I finally think it is time, and this very morning I threw out all the rest of his beloved bottles! By way of celebration we are going to finish off the gallon of chocolate milk tonight for Family Night! And this chapter will be closed. But oh Jake ... isn't life grand with a bottle in your hand??

Here he is yesterday at the urgent care when I took him in to be checked for strep - looks really sick, huh? That's what the doctor thought too. Oh well.

Today on our way in to swim team.

Take it all in ladies...

We can't imagine life without this little guy. He's always making us smile and laugh.
Love the shoes. He is really going to make the girls go crazy! I was flipping through the blog and CK wanted so bad to go over and say hi to Ashley. We miss you guys!!!
I'm laughing out loud and don't know what to comment on first! Haha. The high heels. priceless. The muscle flex at the doctor. priceless! THROWING AWAY THE BOTTLE. never thought I'd see the day! Are you implying your never buying chocolate milk again, too?!? Wow, you're turning over a new leaf!
he is soo cute anne! can you believe your baby is turning 3!!! where does the time go?
This post made me laugh!! He is so cute and so grown up since you were here! Was that already 2 summers ago? I love your cute little family. You do such a great job with your blog.
Jakes is one of a kind, true blue funny man! We miss you guys. Tell Jake that Hannah bears has stopped whinning so much. Well, maybe not!
Anne that is so funny with him and those shoes. I am laughing out loud! Those pictures will be great blackmail one day!
Jake is huge! He is definatly not a baby anymore
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