

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gone Campin'

We went camping this weekend up in the mountains (about two hours from here). It was such a nice getaway and for the first time since living here I started to get an understanding of where the good recreational activities can be found in this state! Along the way we found the Salt River and saw many people tubing down it, we came across Saguaro Lake and talked about how fun it would be to own a boat someday, and then we drove up higher and higher to the cooler air and found the big pine trees and huge Cactus. I will admit that also for the first time since living here I really thought that the Saguaro Cactus' were pretty. I hate even writing that, for fear that I might begin decorating my home "Aztec style", but they were. Too bad I didn't take any pictures of them.

Our family had a blast being up there with our new ward! The campsite was great and the boys stayed busy exploring. Ashley has a cute new group of little girl friends and they just ganged around together. I loved it.

The smores were as to be expected, too good. The fire was warm and filled everything we own with the woodsy smell of smoke. The air-mattress that four of us (all but Jake) slept on was comfortable, and mostly flat by the morning. The breakfast burritos were surprisingly delicious. And the pictures we caught are already priceless. There's just nothing like driving away from the routine, meeting up with friends, sitting around a campfire, rolling in the dirt and having fun quite like there is when you go camping!

1 comment:

heidi said...

that is so fun! cute pics. i still feel like a loser for not going.