The kids were excited about the prospect of catching something so quickly! Luke loved grabbing the caught fish with his net. Jake stared in amazement at everything Tyler did to remove the hook from the fishes' mouths and drop them into the bucket. And Ashley reminded us over and over whenever we asked her to help with something that she was a GIRL! I was okay with the feild trip until I started feeling bad for the fish as they lay dying in the bucket. And then when the lady whacked them on the top of the head with her scizzors, chopped their heads off and sliced their guts out - all infront of the kids - I couldn't help but shutter (we had to take home everything we caught). The only cool part of that process was when she set one of their tiny little hearts on the countertop and we watched it beat about six more times before it stopped. That sounds so morbid as I write it. But when else can a child watch a beating heart come to a stop? Ah well.
We came home and fired up the Barbie. Tyler and I, again, shuttered at the prospect of eating the fish we'd caught but the kids sure didn't. They loved it! And begged us for more! Definitely a surprise. So that was this year's lesson in the food chain I guess. All in the name of teaching children, right?

haha. yes, that was a little morbid. luke seems to be shoving it in quite nicely though, so i guess they weren't phased! Cute pics. I heard of a place called slide rock somewhere around there too. You should do a family trip there, I'm sure it would be fun. A slippery rock down into a pond or something. google it. it could be another "stay-cation" for you!
How fun! Could that be the Tonto Rim hatchery? That is where we would take the 5th graders to when we were up at Science Camp. I hope my kids enjoy seafood just as much (because I love it but Jason hates it).
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