

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grandma and her grandkids!

When we were all together a couple weeks ago we went to Target to have some pictures taken of the kids. My mom jumped in a couple and they turned out darling. The baby girl is my sister's daughter - the sister who married Tyler's brother - so technically these cousins share the same DNA. That's why they look so much alike! Crazy fun.


Ali said...

why does it look like P lost blood flow to her right leg?? frightful. I. Need. A. Tread. Mill.

heidi said...

you totally have your mom's smile! CUTE pictures!
and referring to your post below, let's not talk about 10 yrs from now. it freaks me out.

The Young Family Inc. said...

I LOVE these! Your mom does NOT look like a Grandma. She is way hot.