For lack of a cooler post, I'm uploading new pictures from my camera and posting them. We have several extra kids here tonight because it's our turn to have the co-op here (we trade Friday night babysitting with a couple other families, it's nice.) but I've found myself with some alone time (they all play really well together) and want to blog. So this is what we've been up to...
Went to a friend's birthday party that was set-up SO cute by her caterer girl friends. Delicious food, too!

Took my cub-scouts bowling at the Bowl-a-thon (fortunately no one captured a photo of me in my scout shirt - Drew about choked when we stopped by and saw me in it.)

Went to the school to help out and have lunch with the kids. Got the giggles when I looked over to the next table and saw my old BYU roommate and good friend Marie having lunch with her son, too. I just couldn't believe how fast time has flown by and that we are both now MOMS living in the same neighborhood and having school lunch with our kids! Too funny.

Made pizzas for dinner after finding some yummy, ready to go dough at fresh and easy.

Rode Pumba with uncle Drew at Walmart - lucky Jake.

Got Ashley her new birthday bike!! She's so excited!

Made some changes to the yard by cutting back some of the pool fencing - kept it safe, just not taking over the yard!

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