We had an ultrasound this morning. I was anxious to make sure things were going well - and they are! - which I am so happy about! Baby looks like a jelly bean, measured right on for being 8 weeks and has a happy little heart beat - music to our ears! I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that all this development goes on inside me at such a rapid pace. If you think about it, the baby right now is the size of a kidney bean which means it's heart is probably about the size of a pebble of nerds candy - and to think that we could sit there and watch and listen to it - FASCINATING! Cutest little baby we ever saw! ;)
I took a picture of my Your Pregnancy Week by Week book. The actual size photos from seven, eight, nine and ten weeks. Look how much the baby changes in the next month! Wow. You can tell I'm in awe of myself and the process even now, with my fourth! It's such a miracle.

amazing! so happy for you my love!
LOVE the picture! It really is a miracle how everything works. I find myself looking at Parker sometimes, just in awe that he started as a tiny dot (cell) and is now a little person, and that he grew inside me. Babies are amazing. I'm excited for #2 when the time is right. love you!
Wow!! Congrats, Anne! So happy to hear the good news.
i am so so so so so excited for you!!
i cant wait to meet her!! ;)
hooray! what great news :) :)
We love your little one already!
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