

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who turned up the heat?

Man this weeekend has been HOT. Pushing 90 degrees today and yesterday. Who turned up the heat all of a sudden?! I tell you, it's right about this time every year that I'd start thinking about packing my bags if I lived that "perfect weather life" of living here in the winter and Utah in the summer. I'd be just starting to say, "thanks Arizona for a fabulous winter, until next time..." and then I'd stick a note on the back window of our van that reads: "UTAH or BUST!".

Since that's not the case however and Utah is only an option to me about two weeks out of the summer, it is now that I brace myself - and we see just how long we can go before turning on the blessed air conditioning. Husbands everywhere are crying, "please honey, make it at least until MAY!"

Thankfully, weather.com indicates that this is only a passing heat wave - for now. But we are still preparing for summer; with swim lessons!

I have the kids in EVO swim school for the next two months. I love it because they have the three of them practicing at the same time but in their different levels. Luke is getting so good, he is almost ready for their competetive team. He is working on improving his strokes in the freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly. He is a natural swimmer. Ashley is like a mermaid in the water, she loves to flip around and twirl and sing... she is going to start working on improving the basics of the four strokes this summer since she can already swim great. And Jake can swim too, but they want him to be able to flip from front to back and float - a safety thing. He was cracking me up working on this last week, he looked so funny. Good times.


kendall said...

so i assume you get to just lounge while all three are in there lessons?? don't wish the heat wave gone just yet.. we are coming for the HEAT.. one more week please!
can't wait to see ya, MOM

Ali said...

Enjoy it girl! and fyi, you can't be a snowbird until you're at least 60 years old!! Smile and brave that heat!