Jake is 5! He had his Super Mario Swim Party on Saturday with 7 of his buddies. They had a fun time! Today is his actual birthday, but when we wished him a Happy Birthday this morning, he was confused and said, "What?! I am SIX now?!" As far as he is concerned Saturday was his birthday and he turned five when he blew out five candles at his party. We could have left it at that. But I wanted to take cupcakes in to school today, which he was happy about, of course. His teacher announced that there was a birthday boy in the room then had Jake come up front. He was beaming, and a little bit shy. When she asked how old he was today he said, "Six." Classic. Fast year between Saturday and today I guess. I corrected him by saying he was five and he was like 'whatever', and enjoyed some more chocolate cake. It was cute.
Jake is a one in a million kid. When Tyler jokes that we actually have 6 kids because there's 3 crammed into Jake, he's not kidding. Jake is a ball of energy and enthusiasm and intensity, how's that for a description?! He is going places in life, and it's with or without me (let us not count the times he's been missing in these first five years please!). He is absolutely a fun kid and he has so much love inside of him that he can barely contain it - especially for Claire, he almost smothers her with his love. He loves life, he loves people, he loves adventure, he loves learning, he loves moving, and he loves himself! His self-esteem is through the roof as indicated by comments like, "Are you sad you can't sit by me?" to Nanna at the dinner table. Or, "Mom, are you going to miss me so much when I go to school?" (yes!) Jake is smart, confident and so friendly. He'll talk to just about anyone (went up to a high school kid in subway who was wearing a cast and asked what happened to his foot). He is a joy and the pulse of our family! And we would NOT be the same without him!!

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