Saturday - Family came over for Pioneer day dinner and fireworks
Sunday - church, naps, then a walk around Silver Lake - found snow!!
Monday - Pioneer day parade, german food for lunch (poppi's fav), down to Provo to stay at grandma Goeschs', dinner/FHE w goesch cousins
Tuesday - Visited Riverwoods Mall/Zoltar/Called to Surf. Took a rainy night walk to Bridal Veil Falls, got snow cones.
Wednesday - Back to bridal veil falls, this time in the sun. All you can eat french toast at Kneaders. Salt Lake City for dinner to meet Maddie, see her new place and go to temple square again.
Thursday - Swimming all day w Heidi and the kids. Got a babysitter that night so she and I could go out (once a year!). Loved it: chipotle, paradise bakery cookies, good conversation. Didn't matter that all heck broke lose while we were gone...
Friday - Went to Snow Bird all day with Steve, Shauna, Todd & Nat & the girls - played and loved the mountain scenery!! Music of ABBA concert that night. I was starting to feel fried from all the push push push and parties!
Saturday - Took it easy! Packed and visited cousins one more time. Loaded up the car.
Sunday - headed back. 13.5 hours back. Arrive in the valley to 86 degrees and stormy. Good to be home.
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