It's hard to believe that Drew's two months in the MTC have already come to a close! This Tuesday he got on a plane to Baltimore to officially begin his mission! His weekly letters home have been incredible. He sounds so happy and like he is learning so much! His spanish is coming along, and it sounds like he is both excited and nervous to begin speaking in the real world! He was able to call home for a few minutes from the airport and gave me a call, too. I told him how proud we are of him and wished him the best. He said he was hoping to find someone during his travels who he could teach, and was well prepared with a couple of Books of Mormon. Wow! I can't believe how much he has changed so quickly! I also happened to get a package this week with his camera card enclosed and want to share a few of his pictures with you all. We love you, Uncle Drew!! Thank you for your great example!
Loving the letters from my kids

With his two companions, pointing to where they are headed

Practicing their door approach
You must have watched "The Best Two Years." I noticed that you referred to the Book of Mormon in its correct plural form :) I often think about being a missionary. I'm sure I would do so much of a better job now than I did then! Oh well. I still keep trying, even now.
how could you not let a face like that in your door??? he's so sweet........lovemom
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