I'd like to write about something else cool that I've gotten into. My cute husband got me new running shoes for my birthday and then got me the ipod attachment Nike+ thing that I can run with. Not because he is hinting at anything, he reassured me, but because I went running a few weekends ago for a church event and remembered how much I used to love it. Anyway, the Nike+ is so cool because I choose what type of workout I'd like (time, distance, pace, etc) and then it tracks it all for me. I love how the lady comes on and tells me how much farther I have to go "300 meters"... and then my music picks back up. My favorite though is how at the end of my workouts I've been hearing this "Hi! This is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations on setting a new personal record for the one mile!" I like to smile and say thanks. Right now I am working on breaking 8 minutes for the one mile and as soon as I do that I will start running two miles. Baby steps, my friends.
My Nike+ is my favorite piece of running gear. I absolutely LOVE it!
that sounds cool...i started running too...too bad i don't live there so we could run together!!! good work, if i ever run an 8 min mile i will be impressed!
That could make running actually fun!
I think Lance Armstrong whispering anything into my ear would be OK with me.
Wait, my husband is every bit as much of a butt-kickin' runner as Lance!
Maybe I'll get this gear for him for our anniversary. Thanks for the idea! Holla at me if you run by my house :).
I really did love mine. To bad I didn't read about it and figure out that I burned my battery. Lets go running soon.
way to go girl! let me know when you reach your goal! Ali
Hi Anne...Brett has this and LOVES it. I love your Blog and hearing about your cute family. Love you!!!
work it girl. remember our days running around heritage hills... good times. so i just realized the weekend of june 7 doesn't work for me. my parents are going to be in town for michelle's boyfriend's graduation... so i'll be doing the family thing. let's pick another date! please!!!
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