In the first picture he is showing us the result of his efforts to shave with daddy's razor in the shower... luckily it wasn't too bad, he knicked the top corner of his lip a little bit, but he definately learned his lesson! When he came out of the shower to me with blood all over his mouth I freaked out and said "Luke! What happened!?" And he whimpered "Mommy...I did what you said never to do!"

The second picture is of some wall art he left me that same afternoon! I still have not said anything to him about it... my initial reaction was to be upset because he definately knows better than to do that.. but when I stopped to read it I sort-of appreciated it and the sweetness of his message to me. People always say kids grow up too fast so I guess I'm lucky to have a permanent little love note in the kitchen to enjoy for years to come.

That is precious! He is so sweet.
do not paint over that wall.
good attitude about the wall art! you will be glad you left it one day! the band aid in the lip is classic! ali
wow. that is REAL cute.
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