

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The CiRcuS Family

I often think of my family as a circus family, with my children as the three rings of entertainment. Anyone who has sat behind us in church knows that we can be very amusing to watch, and I do try to keep a sense of humor by calling my kids "clowns" whenever I want to call them something worse!
Last night I was tired as usual when bedtime came and was doing the bath and jammies and teeth brush routine with the kids. I finshed Jakey up and went in to dress Ashley when all of a sudden I heard laughter from the bathroom. I knew instantly what had happened. I went for my camera before even looking in the bathtub, because I knew Jake was back in, fully clothed!
And that he was, happy as could be.

Once I started scolding him he looked down and realized what he had forgotten to do and climbed out. I really was frustrated but had to laugh when I skinned off his wet p.j.s and saw the fully loaded diaper. The fun never ends around here!


kendall said...

oh my gosh, could your kids get ANY cuter? i miss them so much! the expressions on jakes face say it all! and congrats on your NEW daughter.. luke makes a cute one.

Ali said...

so cute and hilarious about jake in the tub. he'll love those pics one day!

Kyle said...

sometimes its so hard to keep up with 3 kids..especially at bed time when you are exhausted. Oh well, it makes for cute pictures :)

Jill said...

Jake looks almost as old as luke. Jake doesn't care that he is still in his PJ's. He is one funny kid.