A couple of us kidnapped our friend the other night, dressed 70's/80's and took her to dinner for her birthday. At first I was mortified at the prospect of going in public dressed up (as a very sober, married mother of three) but once we got going I just started laughing and throwing things on and we had a great time. When I got home very late that night, Tyler smiled and said he hasn't seen me act like this since BYU. I really like my new friends! :) (Yes, that is Hannah Montana).

Drew's friend Katie came into town this weekend. She is a darling girl who we were glad to meet. She and I spent some time together on Friday while Drew worked and then the four of us went to dinner at PF Changs. They came to church with us this morning to watch the kids in their primary program and then came back for dinner and to carve pumpkins. She is fun to have around.

Tyler and I busted out our 50's costumes Saturday night at our Halloween party. We threw a Iron Chef Party where everyone brought a dish with cinnamon in it. We all tasted everything, voted on our favorites and then gave prizes to the winners. And we had some awesome food to choose from (cinnamon/chocolate dipped apples, pork tenderloin with a cinnamon sauce, coconut bread, etc!)

I was happy to get pumpkin carving in earlier than Halloween night this year. We were actually able to enjoy ourselves this time around and Luke took part in the carving himself for the first time. Jake of course, being the Halloween-hater that he is, took no interest and instead went downstairs to watch Tom & Jerry while we did it. They turned out cute though! (The "R" was Drew and Katie's and stands for Redskins).