I am excited to post a picture of Jake in his Halloween costume, because this may be the only one I get this year. He was born despising dressing up. Last year he didn't even go trick or treating because he was so done with the hubbub of our family dressing up and fussing around with costumes. And he didn't like being scared of the sounds and masks that he kept running into.
This year I got him out of the cart (yes, he WAS in the cart, Marie!) and tried on a few costumes because he seemed to be open to it. After trying on a Spiderman, Buzzlightyear and another that was too tight, he explained that he was just going to be Jacob Mark Hillstead. I thought maybe I could work something out with a regular sweatsuit - and since he LOVES his army guys these days I thought this would be cute. And it is, only he's still not wild about it.
Anyway, daddy and uncle Drew helped the kids make a haunted house the other night and that was fun too. I love getting ready for Halloween!
Your kids are adorable!
and i noticed donald trump was over at your house that night too? wow, you do have influential friends! love mom
Yeah for the cart! How was it? Did he hate it? Just kidding. I just stress for you when you tell me your stories of stores getting put into lock down because one of your cute kids are missing.
Love the haunted house!
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