My "magazine pose" - pretending like I'm having a good time in my shady perch.

We went to Golfland Friday - the kids' choice for Fall Break. Unfortunately it felt hotter than H-E-double-toothpicks and Nana was a good sport just to get through it with us! It is really frustrating each year when the weather plays tricks on us by making us think it is Fall, only to creep back up into the hundreds for a few more days!
Fortunately, or unfortunately, the kids are used to it and had a ball regardless! Luke was covered in sweat from running around so much. Ashley loved "bowling" her balls instead of using the club, and Jake gave it his best shot trying to drag his ball into the holes.
In the end, we cooled off a bit on the bumper boats and had a good time. It's all about the memories, right?!
I know the owner of Golfland, let me know if you want that "magazine pose" to be used in advertising. I can hook it up! You look so magazine like... :)
it looks like so much fun... wow, Luke looks HOT tho. I thought fall was there to stay too. oh well, a few more weeks and then heaven while the rest of the world FREEZES! love mom
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