

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Got myself a ticket

My recent luck continued last night when I got myself a ticket for going 55 in a 45... I'm out traffic school and $120 bucks now and hate to think about what I could have done with that money if I was going to be completely irresponsible with it. Half a plane ticket to Seattle... clothes for our upcoming trip.... a pedicure and haircut...who knows. My mom (who has already attended traffic school in many areas) was there by my side during the citation and told me not to think about it that way, "It's too painful" she warned. We were on our way to Baskin-robbins when the cop got me. It was 111 degrees outside and I was almost there. I should have tried to pay him off with a double scoop, my treat. Shoot.


Blake Hillstead said...

and Blake got himself towed - your $120 is better than our $200. ouch. flight to phoenix. Ali

Alli grins said...

One word: bummer. Hmmmm...might you have inherited your lead foot from your Mother? At least you can laugh about it. Great post!

Anonymous said...

i never thought i'd actually say this but....new post please!