Today the whole state of Arizona had no church (LDS members I guess I should say!). Instead, all church members were able to attend the dedication of the new Gila Valley Temple via satalite! It was wonderful! Last weekend Tyler and I took the kids to see the temple at the open house. It is about three hours drive from here. Anytime we can take the kids into the temple to see how beautiful it is and to teach them about the important things we learn and do there, we take the opportunity.
Seeing this temple be built and dedicated has made all of us even more excited about the new Gilbert Temple! There is a neat site(www.ldschurchtemples.com/gilbert/construction)that tells all about it - and I think they are planning to break ground this summer. The new temple will be just 5 minutes from our home. We are so excited!
Tyler and I share our testimonies often with the kids about the remarkable blessing it has been to have been married in the temple for time and all eternity. Our children have felt the peace and joy of knowing that their parents love each other and Heavenly Father so much and that our family is a family forever.
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