Its 107 here today - I am covered in a light layer of perspiration, sticky and a bit swollen through the fingers and toes. It's hot anyway you cut it - and the pumpkin decorations I got out this week aren't helping much.
I got home from Costco two hours ago. Managed to get the groceries in from the hot car, but they only made it onto the washer and dryer in the laundry room. How long can milk and eggs sit out before they go bad? It's 85 degrees in my house. Somewhere I will find the energy I need to do the final push and get all these heavy groceries brought in and put away, but man, grocery trips and the heat are killing me lately.
Went to the doctor this morning. 34 weeks and all is well. No news is good news. Baby's head is down, bum is up under the left ribs and back is to the front (at least it was then). Next appt in two weeks, then four more from there.... home stretch.
Went and set up for an older friend's wedding today at the church. I had borrowed some decor from another friend to make it look cute, and I think it came together nice. Maybe I'll post pics later if I bring my camera to the wedding tonight.
Never mentioned my friend Marie's miraculous delivery a few weeks ago. She and I were prego together and when she hit 33 weeks she stopped feeling her little guy move. She waited and waited but finally took herself to the hospital and, long story short, saved the little guys life. He was all tangled up in his cord and not doing well so they did an emergency c-section right away - her husband even missed the delivery they did it so fast. He weighed 4lbs 11oz and stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks but is home and doing awesome now. Go to her blog (Marie and Justin link on the right) if you want to see how cute he is. He's a miracle. And it also amazing to think that I am as far along as she was when she had him. So cool.
Ashley's b-day is tomorrow - big plans for breakfast in bed, lunch out, treats to school and a dinner date with me and daddy. Her party was last weekend - I'll post those pics soon too. She is a precious girl with a little body, a big brain and an even bigger heart (that's how she put it to me one day). We love her.
Life is good. But seriously, a cool breeze would be nice.
I think I need to go take a dip in our cold pool, in my too-tight maternity suit and a shower cap (no sense getting ready again today). And with that lovely image in your mind, good bye.
My notes and testimony about life for YOU, my five perfect gifts dropped down from heaven
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
An oldie, but a goodie!
I never get on facebook, but I did the other day and saw how outdated my profile has become. The last video I posted there was this one, which I hadn't seen in forever. I love it so much I had to repost it here!
Fun things to notice: Jake's wet pants (we were potty training!)and Ashley's cute lisp which she has since lost! This was in Jan. 2009 (Luke was 6, Ash 5 and Jake 2)
during the year when I had the kids at a charter school. They learned a lot about American History that year, and all the patriotic songs - and it even rubbed off on Jakey! It was great! How do they grow up so quickly?!
Enjoy! :)
Fun things to notice: Jake's wet pants (we were potty training!)and Ashley's cute lisp which she has since lost! This was in Jan. 2009 (Luke was 6, Ash 5 and Jake 2)
during the year when I had the kids at a charter school. They learned a lot about American History that year, and all the patriotic songs - and it even rubbed off on Jakey! It was great! How do they grow up so quickly?!
Enjoy! :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
All we need now is the baby
To say we're a little excited about the new baby would be an understatement! We have been having so much fun getting ready for her - and I say, if I can't yet post pictures of her little face, I may as well post her clothes, and her bed... the next best things! Last time I had a little girl, I also had a little boy who was 12 months old! ;) I was so busy with the two of them that I didn't really get to enjoy the girly girl things like bracelets and headbands the way I think I will this time. Then it was about clean clothes and full bellies - this time I hope to have more time for the fluff. (it's interesting, though this is my fourth I feel like life is more calm now). It will be fun for all of us, especially Ash! 43 more days! (but whose counting).

Thursday, September 23, 2010
How to's for 3rd trimester pregnant women.
Q: How does a pregnant woman put on shoes?
A: Find a spot to sit, get your socks all ready, hoist your foot up either across your other leg or off to the side of the chair and hold your breath. Breathe between socks and shoes. Tie quickly.
Q: How does a pregnant woman clean up clutter around the house?
A: Opt A - Rather than bending over which is no longer much of an option, she can squat down using what's left of her leg and bum muscles, always being careful to hold her back straight and hoping not to get stuck. Opt B-The method I often resort to which is to get on all four and crawl around until the floor is clean. Pulling a laundry basket along side to toss things into can be helpful, thus requiring the pregnant woman to stand up only once after the work is done to distribute items where they need to go. Opt C - Preferred. Have your small children who can bend over easily and without a second thought do the clutter clean up. Thank them with a small treat out of a treasure box (best things ever invented).
Q: How does a pregnant woman roll over in bed?
A: This effort usually begins with the realization that some body part has fallen asleep, be it an arm, a hip or a leg. The pregnant women then must decide which way she's going, hold onto the pillows between her legs, press a heel into the mattress and hoist herself around into the new position. The process has been successful if the leg pillows came too, the sheets aren't tangled around her and she doesn't have any sharp pains in her abdomen from the sudden exertion of muscles.
Q: How does a pregnant woman do the dishes?
A: Buy paper products. Do the dishes that must be done in short intervals so that the lower back doesn't begin to hurt from hunching awkwardly over the sink - since she has to stand further away than usual because of the belly.
Q: How does a pregnant women run to catch a ringing phone?
A: She doesn't.
More instructions to come, as I see fit.
A: Find a spot to sit, get your socks all ready, hoist your foot up either across your other leg or off to the side of the chair and hold your breath. Breathe between socks and shoes. Tie quickly.
Q: How does a pregnant woman clean up clutter around the house?
A: Opt A - Rather than bending over which is no longer much of an option, she can squat down using what's left of her leg and bum muscles, always being careful to hold her back straight and hoping not to get stuck. Opt B-The method I often resort to which is to get on all four and crawl around until the floor is clean. Pulling a laundry basket along side to toss things into can be helpful, thus requiring the pregnant woman to stand up only once after the work is done to distribute items where they need to go. Opt C - Preferred. Have your small children who can bend over easily and without a second thought do the clutter clean up. Thank them with a small treat out of a treasure box (best things ever invented).
Q: How does a pregnant woman roll over in bed?
A: This effort usually begins with the realization that some body part has fallen asleep, be it an arm, a hip or a leg. The pregnant women then must decide which way she's going, hold onto the pillows between her legs, press a heel into the mattress and hoist herself around into the new position. The process has been successful if the leg pillows came too, the sheets aren't tangled around her and she doesn't have any sharp pains in her abdomen from the sudden exertion of muscles.
Q: How does a pregnant woman do the dishes?
A: Buy paper products. Do the dishes that must be done in short intervals so that the lower back doesn't begin to hurt from hunching awkwardly over the sink - since she has to stand further away than usual because of the belly.
Q: How does a pregnant women run to catch a ringing phone?
A: She doesn't.
More instructions to come, as I see fit.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Been swimming everyday still, wondering how much longer we can hold out before the water gets too cool.
Been baking, made 30 cinnamon rolls for a friend's party - plus a dozen more for us of course. Thought it was funny how my belly rubbed against the counter and left a flour line.
Been scouting, Luke started on the 8th and loves it. I am his lucky den leader and have no shame wearing the uniform -maybe I should after seeing the pics...

Been eating school lunch, took nana and daddy into the school to eat with the kids. It's always a treat! Luke and Ashley love it.
Been eating Oreganos, took Nana and Poppi to a fav restaurant for "kick-butt garlic bread", "quacatoni" and the famous "pizzooki". Yum Yum.

Been growing, now in my eighth month I have 5 shirts I fit in... Claire should weigh in at about 4 lbs and is always moving and a-groovin' inside me. We can't wait for her arrival!
Been crazy with the crazy hair days at school. Went wild with hair spray and finger paints (work wonders as hair dye).
So that's been our September!

So that's been our September!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Luke's Baptism
Today was a great day - it felt a little bit like we were getting ready for a wedding or something this morning as everyone got dressed up nice and there was a special feeling in the air. Luke has spent a lot of time thinking about this important day in his life and he was beaming at the church! I felt so happy to be his mom. Several of his friends and our friends came to support him and he was just all smiles. He is so precious.
When we asked him last night why he was being baptized he said that he wants to follow Jesus' example. He knows that even though Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He chose to have John the Baptist baptise Him by immersion, and commanded us to do the same. Now that he is 8, Luke is ready to become accountable to Heavenly Father for his choices and knows that he can take advantage of the sacrament each Sunday to repent and think about ways to improve himself. Luke knows that Heavenly Father loves him, that he can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere and is trying to follow Jesus Christ. As his mom, I am so excited for him have the gift of the Holy Ghost and have talked to him about the really good, warm feeling that we get in our hearts when the Holy Ghost is telling us that something is good or true. I know that he has felt that feeling before and can recognize it. He is such a good boy and loves to do what is right.

When we asked him last night why he was being baptized he said that he wants to follow Jesus' example. He knows that even though Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He chose to have John the Baptist baptise Him by immersion, and commanded us to do the same. Now that he is 8, Luke is ready to become accountable to Heavenly Father for his choices and knows that he can take advantage of the sacrament each Sunday to repent and think about ways to improve himself. Luke knows that Heavenly Father loves him, that he can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere and is trying to follow Jesus Christ. As his mom, I am so excited for him have the gift of the Holy Ghost and have talked to him about the really good, warm feeling that we get in our hearts when the Holy Ghost is telling us that something is good or true. I know that he has felt that feeling before and can recognize it. He is such a good boy and loves to do what is right.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
It's Great to be Eight!
This is Luke's birthday week. He is turning 8 - and 8 is a big deal because he gets baptised! And he also starts cubscouts. Very exciting. We kicked off the celebrations by inviting him to come with us and grandma to the Cardinals preseason game. On the way there, he begged grandma to give him his b-day present early and was excited to find that she got him a Koby Bryant jersey - something he's been wanting since the Suns playoffs! So he wore his LA lakers jersey to an Arizona Cardinals game, and got a few comments from strangers, but it was a cute memory. He's so sweet. 

Friday night daddy and I took him to dinner at Benihana's - the place where they cook in front of you - as he puts it. He loves steak and chicken and all those good veggies - so he was a happy boy! Delicious!

Yesterday we gave him breakfast in bed even though it wasn't his actually birthday - we were pretending it was. He had me set my alarm for 6:45 and said he'd stay in bed pretending to be asleep until 7am. We thought that was nice of him, considering it was a Saturday. But he loved it.
And then daddy took he and his two best buddies Cooper and Devin to the rec center to climb the rock wall, play basketball, run the track and play wall ball. They came home sweaty and worn out as eight year olds should be for donuts and presents. It was a great birthday party on all fronts.

This Saturday is the final big event of his week - his baptism. Nana and Poppi are coming in to town and we are all looking forward to it. Luke is such a sweet, handsome, good boy. We love him!!

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