

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Luke's Baptism

Today was a great day - it felt a little bit like we were getting ready for a wedding or something this morning as everyone got dressed up nice and there was a special feeling in the air. Luke has spent a lot of time thinking about this important day in his life and he was beaming at the church! I felt so happy to be his mom. Several of his friends and our friends came to support him and he was just all smiles. He is so precious.

When we asked him last night why he was being baptized he said that he wants to follow Jesus' example. He knows that even though Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He chose to have John the Baptist baptise Him by immersion, and commanded us to do the same. Now that he is 8, Luke is ready to become accountable to Heavenly Father for his choices and knows that he can take advantage of the sacrament each Sunday to repent and think about ways to improve himself. Luke knows that Heavenly Father loves him, that he can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere and is trying to follow Jesus Christ. As his mom, I am so excited for him have the gift of the Holy Ghost and have talked to him about the really good, warm feeling that we get in our hearts when the Holy Ghost is telling us that something is good or true. I know that he has felt that feeling before and can recognize it. He is such a good boy and loves to do what is right.


natalie said...

absolutely darling. love your little family. way to go luke!!!

Anonymous said...

i wish i could have been there!

Congratulations Luke! I am so proud of you!