

Monday, September 20, 2010


Been swimming everyday still, wondering how much longer we can hold out before the water gets too cool.
Been baking, made 30 cinnamon rolls for a friend's party - plus a dozen more for us of course. Thought it was funny how my belly rubbed against the counter and left a flour line.
Been scouting, Luke started on the 8th and loves it. I am his lucky den leader and have no shame wearing the uniform -maybe I should after seeing the pics...

Been eating school lunch, took nana and daddy into the school to eat with the kids. It's always a treat! Luke and Ashley love it.
Been eating Oreganos, took Nana and Poppi to a fav restaurant for "kick-butt garlic bread", "quacatoni" and the famous "pizzooki". Yum Yum.

Been growing, now in my eighth month I have 5 shirts I fit in... Claire should weigh in at about 4 lbs and is always moving and a-groovin' inside me. We can't wait for her arrival!
Been crazy with the crazy hair days at school. Went wild with hair spray and finger paints (work wonders as hair dye).

Been BBQing, had a fun picnic at our friend's house Friday night. They have a very cool pool and water slide. And fed us delicious steaks! (why does it always come back to food with me?!)

Been vacationing in Scottsdale on grandma's tab - not really, but we did crash my mom and her sister's getaway at the Princess Hotel for an afternoon to swim and have fun.

Been fishin', Jakey caught his first fish and was so cute about it! Have I mentioned I love 4 year olds?

So that's been our September!


Anonymous said...

So cute! I cant believe how big Jakey is getting! I love that little boy. Ash & Luke are adorable as usual -- glad they are loving school!

ANNE you look great! I am so excited for little Claire to get here!! and to see you on Friday!

love you all!

DeeDee said...

What a great update! Love you and miss you Anne ~ you look amazing! xo

natalie said...

great pics!! love the update and you are right around the corner!! we can't to meet claire! to answer your question...people are saying sydney looks like me. definitely different than samantha :) can't wait for you guys to meet her :) what a busy year for the hillsteads!! hope you're hanging in there :)