

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Me at 30 and a half years old

Been thinking about some things in the shower tonight and want to get a snap shot of myself at this time in my life down on paper. Blogging has clearly become my journal of sorts in recent years - and I love it. That's one thing about me I guess, to start.

But who am I at 30 and a half years old? Here I go (in no particular order)...

I am a seven-months-pregnant mother of almost four precious children. I weigh as much as I ever have in my life - and I daydream about the day when I can get back on the road with my ipod on "fast mix" and feel the burn again. (The only burn I've been feeling as of late is that of my heart.) I daydream about the day this little baby girl arrives - I am getting more and more excited. 66 days - but whose counting? I also daydream about that fantastic vacation Tyler and I took in February - it was a week of heaven on so many fronts. I am the wife of an amazingly dedicated and hardworking man who puts in long days everyday to provide for us. I do my best to take care of the "behind the scenes" work here at home with the kids, their school work, their doctors appointments, their after school activities, their homework, our meals, laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, and all the rest while he does his part to fight dragons, put cash in the bank and come home a happy, loving man each night. We make a great team. During the week I wear many hats; family night coordinator on Mondays, room-mom on Tuesdays, cub-scout leader on Wednesdays, "hot date" on Fridays, Sunday school teacher on Sundays. I encourage practicing the piano, spelling, math homework, kindness. I require dishes to be unloaded, clothes to be put away, rooms to be tidied, books to be read, seatbelts to be worn, and food to be eaten. I enjoy swimming with my kids, floating in the pool on a noodle (the whole weightless thing in cold water is real nice right about now) and going to water aerobics class at the gym with the friendly white-haired people. I love completing projects around the house, marking things off my to-do lists, being busy, tiring myself out completely and then having my feet rubbed in front of a good show. I enjoy being on the computer, checking email, posting pictures, blogging, watching those great new Mormon videos on youtube and playing Solitare once in a while. I sleep pretty bad at night these days, think I may have restless leg syndrome and sometimes catch myself wishing I had a sleep number bed ... I see many signs of getting older... but most of them are okay. So that's me at 30.


natalie said...

Thanks for posting this. Love every bit. SO eloquently put. Way to take time to write it down :) I think you and your little family do a stellar job at it all. Love that we get to follow in your footsteps :) xoxo

DeeDee said...

you forgot one thing. you are AMAZING! xo

Jill said...

You are a dear friend! I am a better person because you are in my life. Thanks for all the advise, the laughs and the perspectives on life. You are a GEM!