

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jacob, oh Jacob

Jake's new favorite pasttime is dancing in the livingroom. His moves are pretty amazing I must say, but I was particularly impressed with this new introduction he came up with the other day, to Billy Jean. Let the whole thing upload before you start for the best effect. ;)

Why do I get the feeling that everyone in his high school - including the staff, principal and vice-principal - are going to know who Jake Hillstead is?!


alison huston said...

Oh my gosh! That video made my day. Jake is ADORABLE! He and Conner should take dancing classes together. My four year old is all over the place dancing, but he prefers ballet. I'd love for Jake to show my little guy some of his moves.

Mike said...

Nice moves Jake! Keep up the good work!

Jill said...

Amazing Jake! He was right on the BEAT! Michael Jackson can't stand a chance next to Jake Hillstead!! What a kid.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha this made my whole day. I know what Luke & Jake should do for the next family talent show!