

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another little hello

We got to see little Claire's face again today at my appointment. They wanted to make sure she is in the ready position for delivery - and she is! Good girl.

Everything looks wonderful with her. And other than feeling very large and uncomfortable I can't complain about how things are going. We've got about two weeks to go. I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Won't it be great to see this little face in person and kiss on those chubby cheeks?!


Jana said...

She looks like little Paigey! Can't wait to see her in person. Love you!

Anonymous said...

oh my gooooooooosh I cant wait to see her!!!! SO SO SO CUTE. I am crying

Jill said...

Look at the CHEEKS! I love them already. Can't wait to hold that bundle of joy. Precious! Proud of you.

heidi said...

okay...that is just the cutest, amazing picture. Brings tears to my eyes. What a miracle. My Cousin Amy's Dr. used to say.."Growing a baby is like climbing a mountain every day, whatever you have done that day you can know that you have also climbed a mountain each day of your pregnancy!!!" Many mountains you have climbed my dear!!! You are doing so great!!!