

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This week will go down in our memories as one testing our endurance. It's been a week since Luke's surgery and he has dealt with his recovery amazingly well. Not until this morning did he finally break down and cry - tired of feeling yucky, having such a sore throat and being so hungry! Tonight is the ward trunk-or-treat and he's had that in mind all week as a good time to be feeling better. I know he's frustrated at still feeling so gross. Poor kid.

I have been doing everything I can to comfort him and help the long days go by. We've been practicing magic tricks, playing cards, getting Sonic slushies and watching movies. However, I feel like I have my own can of worms I am trying to be patient with as I am SO uncomfortable. Everything I do - sitting, standing, doing dishes, reading a book, pushing a grocery cart, trying to hold one of the kids on my lap, bathing them, sleeping, getting up out of bed, keeping the house tidy - there's a big boulder in my belly and I am just not myself.

As I was waddling back from the school after picking Ashley up the cross walk lady said, "you look so tired!" I am. I am hot and tired and I want my sweet little boy to feel better for Halloween.

So it's a lesson in endurance. By this time next week - well. Luke will be feeling better and putting the weight back on with a pumpkin full of candy. And I should be days away from DELIVERANCE! A big deep breath! We can make it.

1 comment:

natalie said...

Anne, my hat is off to you. I was pretty uncomfortable for the last month or so and it was only number 2 for me. i'm thinking number 4 is MUCH harder. Way to be such a super mom and hang in there. We're SO excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Claire. Good luck in these remaining days. I hope they go QUICK! :) Thinking of you...