These are shots of the same areas I showed a few days ago; The view as you enter the home of the living room, the originally disgusting corner of the living room, the kitchen, what was the yellow bathroom and the entertainment center area in the family room.
Also a few pictures to show how thoroughly our painter is being with everything like the doors and of course, my self-taken picture of me working hard to patch the thousands of nail holes everywhere. I used almost that whole container of Spackle.

So the walls were finshed today and we also had the A/C repaired. Saturday Tyler plans to do the yard and all the many other fix-ups that need to be done. The ceilings get painted tomorrow and the garage is painted Saturday. Carpet will be installed Monday, the cleaning ladies and vent cleaners come Tuesday and then we should be DONE! Just in time for our highly anticipated vacation with no kids to Seattle which is Thursday! :)
I keep telling myself we can make it.
Okay, I am so this a house that you have owned and have been renting out and are now trying to fix up to re-rent? Or did you just by this fixer upper and are trying to rent it??
Annie you look like Hannible Lector in that pic
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