

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A reminder for my mom friends and me

Countertops and babies are not meant for each other.

After a busy morning and rushing to get Ashley off to school, I let my gaurd down and set Jake up on the counter. As I turned my back to make peanut-butter and jelly, he stood up to toss things off the counter onto the floor and slipped on a dish-towel! Thankfully he is fine - he cried for a long time and has a bruised and fat lip (I'm hoping that his teeth are okay), but I couldn't believe I had done that. It's a sad reminder to slow down and not get careless when watching these little kids everyday. Poor baby.


DeeDee said...

Oh Anne! That is so sad! And you took a PICTURE of him at his weakest moment! Jeeez! :-) Can't wait to see you next week!

Kyle said...

That is so sad! Poor Jake!

The Finklea Family said...

Oh Anne!! Brooklyn and I are soo sad for Jake. Believe me.. it happens to the BEST of us. We sure love you all!!!!

J & J said...

aww poor jakey! that makes me soo sad. at least he's tough.